Sunday, September 19, 2010

Food I strongly like or dislike.

   #201081613 – Jitendra Kumar Gupta                                      



First of all, I would like to start with the definition of food. Any substance or material which suits our palates and provides nutritional support to our body is called food. Food consists of carbohydrates, fat, proteins, vitamin, minerals and roughage. Food is either obtained from plants or animals. Now, the food which I like most is Indian food and the food which I dislike is Korean food. However, I like other countries foods also which include pizza, burger, noodles and Chinese fast food etc.



I like Indian food because I am having it since my childhood. So, I like its taste and smell. It is delicious, soft and smooth in its content. In addition to that Indian food consists of all the essential elements mentioned above at the same time. Hence, we do not need to eat anything from outside as a supplement. Further more, Indian food is designed season wise i.e. on the availability of different vegetables, fruits etc. Therefore, Indian food has its own taste and flavors in different season. Moreover, Indian food is of two typical kinds. One is vegetarian which includes plant products only and other one is non-vegetarian which includes plant and animal products at the same time. I was vegetarian before coming here but as if now I am non-vegetarian. When I was vegetarian I used to get more respect in our society. This is because our society does not believe in killing of animals just to fulfill ones appetite i.e. we believe in non- violence whether it is human or animals. We treat them equally. However, Indians eat flesh of animals but not frequently.       



I dislike Korean food items because of its smell and taste. Korean food also does not meet all the component of food as mentioned above. Korean people usually take vitamin C & E from outside to meet body requirements. I am writing in response of my room partner who take vitamins usually and also advised me to take regularly. One of most important reason is to dislike Korean food is its food culture because of which I became non-vegetarian and hence I could not keep my word which I have given to my maternal grand mother. However, I started eating  Korean food items like 김밥, 비빔밥 and 감자 라면.This is because of the fact that these food item suit my palate to some extent in comparison to other Korean food stuffs. There are Korean food items which I can not eat at any cost now and ever. However, I personally respect their food culture because every country has its own culture and custom which everyone should respect.






1 comment:

  1. 1. What I like about this piece of writing is well-organized paragraphs.
    2. Your main point seems to be Indian food and Korean food.
    3. “I was vegetarian before coming here but as if now I am non-vegetarian.” struck me as powerful: It makes me to wonder why you became non-vegetarian.
    4. “Korean food also does not meet all the component of food as mentioned above.” I think this line is too strong. It seems like it is a fact.
    5. The one change you could make that would make the biggest improvement in this piece of writing is not to use i.e and etc. It would be better not to use it. And I would like to know description of specific Indian food.


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